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The Students' General Association (SGA) of Laurentian University in Sudbury, Ontario represents and advocates for 3800+ full-time and part-time undergraduate students. Since 1960 our focus has been on student wants and needs. While the SGA has grown and evolved, the priority of student life and advocacy has never changed in our 60+ years of service.

 Meet Our 2023/2024 Executives

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Coming Soon


Staysha Kasunich

Vice President Education

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Isaac Vestby

Vice President Student Life

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Vice President Finance

The Students' General Association (SGA) is run by a team of executives, full time staff, and student staff. We work together to ensure students feel at home at Laurentian. Our executive committee implements our mission to ensure your home away from home is safe, fun, and filled with opportunities!



Located in the SGA/AGÉ Student Centre, the V-Desk is your one stop shop for all things SGA/AGÉ!

Contact the V-Desk for general inquiries including the health plan, U-Pass, event information & tickets, emergency food bank access, graduation photos information, discounted shipping, personal and academic support  & more.

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