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University can be a stressful time, but remember that you are not alone!

Below you will find a variety of resources on campus, in the Sudbury Community and beyond.

Laurentian University Services

You can find a full list of campus services here


Centre for Academic Excellence

J.N. Desmarais Library, 2nd Floor



Counselling Services

Location: 2nd floor Parker Building, P230

705-675-1151 ext 6506

Accessibility Services Office

2nd floor Parker Building, P230

705-675-1151 ext 3324


Health and Wellness Office

G-23 - Student Street, Single Student Residence

705-673-6546, or 705- 675-1151 ext 1067


Welltrack App:


Laurentian University

Campus Emergency Response


Laurentian’s Campus Emergency Response Team is a student-led initiative available to respond to any medical issue on the Sudbury Campus. Volunteers are all Laurentian students and trained at a First Responder level with CPR HCP. LUCERT has partnered with security to assist in any emergency on campus. The team aims to enhance safety in partnership with all available services at Laurentian currently and also provide students with another way to become involved in the school community. LUCERT can also cover events affiliated with Laurentian, by contacting them at their email.


Hosting an event affiliated with Laurentian University? Let us know and we’ll cover it! Fill out this quick form to get started.


(705)- 562-5456

Office located at SSR-G7

24/7 during the academic year

Get Involved

We’re looking for dedicated volunteers to join our team! Get involved in the LU community, meet new people and learn life skills.

Student Discounts

Dealhack is a company that finds and shares discount codes in Canada and the US. They also create curated savings guides for different groups of people, like students! From student discount cards to specific deals on clothing, travel, foods, vehicles, and even the newest tech they have scoured the internet for you and found the best deals.


From the Dealhack website:

"The Dealhack Canadian Student Discounts List is the result of our quarterly survey of brands that offer student discounts. Every three months, our team independently verifies each and every discount on this list. We also add more brands to the list regularly when we come across them. The list currently includes more than 200 brands conveniently broken down into 15 categories."


To find out more visit their Website

You can also download The Canadian Student Discounts List below!


Happy Savings!

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